Study: NASA examines tropical storm Mangga in infrared light

Study: NASA examines tropical storm Mangga in infrared light

NASA's Aqua satellite used infrared light to provide forecasters with a look at the temperatures of the cloud tops in Tropical Storm Mangga. Mangga, formerly known as 27S, is moving through the Southern Indian Ocean....
Shark proof wetsuit material could help save lives, Says New Study

Shark proof wetsuit material could help save lives, Says New Study

A new wetsuit material tested by Flinders marine researchers can help reduce blood loss caused by shark bites, to reduce injuries and prevent the leading cause of death. The study published in Plos One tested...
Researchers observe complex tunable magnetism in a topological material

Researchers observe complex tunable magnetism in a topological material

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have observed novel helical magnetic ordering in the topological compound EuIn2As2 which supports exotic electrical conduction tunable by a magnetic field. The discovery has significant...
Study: World population likely to shrink after mid-century

Study: World population likely to shrink after mid-century

Improvements in access to modern contraception and the education of girls and women are generating widespread, sustained declines in fertility, and world population will likely peak in 2064 at around 9.7 billion, and then...
Report: AMPERE Polar Cap Boundaries

Report: AMPERE Polar Cap Boundaries

The high-latitude atmosphere is a dynamic region with processes that respond to forcing from the Sun, magnetosphere, neutral atmosphere, and ionosphere. Historically, the dominance of magnetosphere–ionosphere interactions has motivated upper atmospheric studies to use...
Study: Parasitic worm venom evades human immune system

Study: Parasitic worm venom evades human immune system

It's likely that billions of people are unaware they have been infected with parasitic worms. A UC Riverside scientist has won $1.8 million to try and understand why. The National Institutes of Health granted an...
Scientists part of international effort to save critically endangered seabird

Scientists part of international effort to save critically endangered seabird

The global population of the critically endangered Chinese crested tern has more than doubled thanks to a historic, decade-long collaboration among Oregon State University researchers and scientists and conservationists in China, Taiwan and Japan. The...
Researchers find molecular patterns that may help identify extraterrestrial life

Researchers find molecular patterns that may help identify extraterrestrial life

Scientists have begun the search for extraterrestrial life in the Solar System in earnest, but such life may be subtly or profoundly different from Earth-life, and methods based on detecting particular molecules as biosignatures...
Study: Ocean algae get 'coup de grace' from viruses

Study: Ocean algae get ‘coup de grace’ from viruses

Scientists have long believed that ocean viruses always quickly kill algae, but Rutgers-led research shows they live in harmony with algae and viruses provide a "coup de grace" only when blooms of algae are...
Study: How dangerous are burning electric cars?

Study: How dangerous are burning electric cars?

There' s a loud bang, and then it starts: A battery module of an electric car is on fire in the Hagerbach test tunnel. A video of the test impressively shows the energy stored...

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