Study: Humans' construction 'footprint' on ocean quantified for first time

Study: Humans’ construction ‘footprint’ on ocean quantified for first time

In a world-first, the extent of human development in oceans has been mapped. An area totalling approximately 30,000 square kilometres - the equivalent of 0.008 percent of the ocean - has been modified by...
Scientists reveal largest and hottest shield volcano on Earth

Scientists reveal largest and hottest shield volcano on Earth

In a recently published study, researchers from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology revealed the largest and hottest shield volcano on Earth. A team of volcanologists...
Study: Choosing the right cover crop to protect the soil

Study: Choosing the right cover crop to protect the soil

Farmers around the world are keen to protect their most important asset: their soil. The soil supports and enriches their crops. But the relatively thin layer of topsoil can readily wash away into streams,...
More than 90 percent of protected areas are disconnected

More than 90 percent of protected areas are disconnected

Ongoing land clearing for agriculture, mining and urbanisation is isolating and disconnecting Earth's protected natural areas from each other, a new study shows. Lead author Michelle Ward, from The University of Queensland's School of Earth...
Study: Warming ocean, old-forest loss put a squeeze on an elusive seabird

Study: Warming ocean, old-forest loss put a squeeze on an elusive seabird

Squeezed by changing ocean conditions that limit their food options and the long-term loss of old forest needed for nesting, marbled murrelets would benefit most from conservation efforts that take both ocean and forest...
Scientists track nutrient transport in the Gulf of Mexico

Scientists track nutrient transport in the Gulf of Mexico

Researchers from Florida State University are shedding light on nutrient levels in the Gulf of Mexico with new findings published this month in the Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. The Gulf of Mexico receives...
Research: A bird rare to the UK ruffles feathers at the University of York

Research: A bird rare to the UK ruffles feathers at the University of York

The Savi’s Warbler was found during a bird monitoring session on campus. The team were first alerted by its distinctive, almost cricket-like song. The academic leading the session - where birds are ringed...
Study: An evolutionary roll of the dice explains why we're not perfect

Study: An evolutionary roll of the dice explains why we’re not perfect

If evolution selects for the fittest organisms, why do we still have imperfections? Scientists at the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University of Bath investigating this question have found that in species with...
Study: 'Wrong-way' migrations stop shellfish from escaping ocean warming

Study: ‘Wrong-way’ migrations stop shellfish from escaping ocean warming

Ocean warming is paradoxically driving bottom-dwelling invertebrates - including sea scallops, blue mussels, surfclams and quahogs that are valuable to the shellfish industry - into warmer waters and threatening their survival, a Rutgers-led study...
Study: Sugar-tagging helps drug compounds to target human prostate cancer cells

Study: Sugar-tagging helps drug compounds to target human prostate cancer cells

Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), together with German and Russian colleagues, have developed a lead compound to fight chemotherapy-resistant prostate cancer. The original design comes out as scientists combine biologically active molecules...

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