Drugs laced with bug spray blamed for “zombie”-like effects

INDIANAPOLIS – Health officials in Indianapolis say they are seeing a big spike in the number of people overdosing on a street drug that is...

Trump transgender military ban: Democrats, LGBT groups are outraged, and GOP is silent

President Trump released an order Friday night banning most transgender troops from serving in the military except under "limited circumstances," following up on his calls...

Trump’s impulses make it tougher to negotiate with the White House

What's the White House's word worth?Days of conflicting and misleading statements from President Trump and his top aides have fueled new questions about the White House's credibility, sowing mistrust and instability within the...
Netanyahu Is Meeting Donald Trump To Push For War With Iran

Netanyahu Is Meeting Donald Trump To Push For War With Iran

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with Donald Trump at the White House and push the U.S. to withdraw from the nuclear accord with Iran. Netanyahu will present an argument that Trump...
Cal Ripken, Jr. Breaks Lou Gehrig's Consecutive Games Record

Cal Ripken, Jr. Breaks Lou Gehrig’s Consecutive Games Record

On Sept. 6, 1995, Ripken broke the consecutive games played mark set by Lou Gehrig. The Orioles' star played in his 2,131st consecutive game -- eventually, Ripken's streak made it to 2,632 straight games...
September 4, 1886: Geronimo tribal Chief, Last Native Warrior to Surrender

September 4, 1886: Geronimo tribal Chief, Last Native Warrior to Surrender

This Date in Native History: On September 4, 1886, the great Apache warrior Geronimo surrendered in Skeleton Canyon, Arizona, after fighting for his homeland for almost 30 years. He was the last American Indian...

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