New imaging tool helps scientists see extent of Alzheimer’s early damage

New imaging tool helps scientists see extent of Alzheimer’s early damage

New imaging technology allows scientists to see the widespread loss of brain synapses in early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, a finding that one day may help aid in drug development, according to a new...
Researchers identify gene linked to thinness that may help resist weight gain

Researchers identify gene linked to thinness that may help resist weight gain

While others may be dieting and hitting the gym hard to stay in shape, some people stay slim effortlessly no matter what they eat. In a study publishing May 21 in the journal Cell,...
Study: New technology will show how RNA regulates gene activity

Study: New technology will show how RNA regulates gene activity

The discovery of a huge number of long non-protein coding RNAs, aka lncRNAs, in the mammalian genome was a major surprise of the recent large-scale genomics projects. An international team including a bioinformatician from...
Scientists develop software to find drug-resistant bacteria

Scientists develop software to find drug-resistant bacteria

The program could make it easier to identify the deadly antimicrobial resistant bacteria that exist in the environment. Such microbes annually cause more than 2.8 million difficult-to-treat pneumonia, bloodstream and other infections and 35,000...
Study finds 'Dr. Google' is almost always wrong

Study finds ‘Dr. Google’ is almost always wrong

Many people turn to 'Dr Google' to self-diagnose their health symptoms and seek medical advice, but online symptom checkers are only accurate about a third of the time, according to new Edith Cowan University...
Study: Significant decline in prescription opioid abuse seen among Americans at last

Study: Significant decline in prescription opioid abuse seen among Americans at last

Almost 20 years into the opioid epidemic, there finally is evidence of significant and continual decreases in the abuse of these risky pain medications, according to an analysis of national data being presented at...
Study: Driving bacteria to produce potential antibiotic, antiparasitic compounds

Study: Driving bacteria to produce potential antibiotic, antiparasitic compounds

Researchers have developed a method to spur the production of new antibiotic or antiparasitic compounds hiding in the genomes of actinobacteria, which are the source of drugs such as actinomycin and streptomycin and are...
Study: One-time treatment generates new neurons, eliminates Parkinson's disease in mice

Study: One-time treatment generates new neurons, eliminates Parkinson’s disease in mice

Xiang-Dong Fu, PhD, has never been more excited about something in his entire career. He has long studied the basic biology of RNA, a genetic cousin of DNA, and the proteins that bind it....
Research finds two amino acids are the Marie Kondo of molecular liquid phase separation

Research finds two amino acids are the Marie Kondo of molecular liquid phase separation

The last several years have brought mounting evidence that the molecules inside our cells can self-organize into liquid droplets that merge and separate like oil in water in order to facilitate various cellular activities....
Report: Community factors influence how long you’ll live

Report: Community factors influence how long you’ll live

While lifestyle choices and genetics go a long way toward predicting longevity, a new study shows that certain community characteristics also play important roles. American communities with more fast food restaurants, a larger share...

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