Study sheds new light on intelligent life existing across the galaxy

Study sheds new light on intelligent life existing across the galaxy

One of the biggest and longest-standing questions in the history of human thought is whether there are other intelligent life forms within our Universe. Obtaining good estimates of the number of possible extraterrestrial civilizations...
Study: Sugar-tagging helps drug compounds to target human prostate cancer cells

Study: Sugar-tagging helps drug compounds to target human prostate cancer cells

Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), together with German and Russian colleagues, have developed a lead compound to fight chemotherapy-resistant prostate cancer. The original design comes out as scientists combine biologically active molecules...
Circular reasoning Spiraling circuits for more efficient AI

Circular reasoning: Spiraling circuits for more efficient AI (Study)

Researchers from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo designed and built specialized computer hardware consisting of stacks of memory modules arranged in a 3D-spiral for artificial intelligence (AI) applications. This...
Study: A novel mechanism that triggers a cellular immune response

Study: A novel mechanism that triggers a cellular immune response

Viruses and other disease-causing microbes influence the type of immune response their hosts will develop against them. In some cases, the predominant response involves antibodies, proteins made by the immune system that specifically recognize...
Researchers carry out first space-based measurement of neutron lifetime

Researchers carry out first space-based measurement of neutron lifetime

Scientists have found a way of measuring neutron lifetime from space for the first time - a discovery that could teach us more about the early universe. Knowing the lifetime of neutrons is key to...
Study: Ancient crocodiles walked on two legs like dinosaurs

Study: Ancient crocodiles walked on two legs like dinosaurs

An international research team has been stunned to discover that some species of ancient crocodiles walked on their two hind legs like dinosaurs and measured over three metres in length. University of Queensland palaeontologist Dr...
Study: Reusing chicken litter shows benefits

Study: Reusing chicken litter shows benefits

Chicken is the most consumed protein in the United States. According to the National Chicken Council, the U.S. produced more than 9.2 billion broiler chickens in 2019. US consumers spent more than 95 billion...
Study: How stimulus dollars are spent will affect emissions for decades

Study: How stimulus dollars are spent will affect emissions for decades

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have led to a record crash in emissions. But it will be emission levels during the recovery--in the months and years after the pandemic recedes--that matter most for...
Study: Snapshot of exploding oxygen

Study: Snapshot of exploding oxygen

"The smaller the particle, the bigger the hammer." This rule from particle physics, which looks inside the interior of atomic nuclei using gigantic accelerators, also applies to this research. In order to "X-ray" a...
Study: Living near oil and gas wells may increase preterm birth risk

Study: Living near oil and gas wells may increase preterm birth risk

Living in close proximity to oil and gas operations may increase the risk of preterm birth, according to new research on births in California's primary oil-producing region. The work could inform discussions about the...

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