Study: New form of silicon could enable next-gen electronic and energy devices

Study: New form of silicon could enable next-gen electronic and energy devices

A team led by Carnegie's Thomas Shiell and Timothy Strobel developed a new method for synthesizing a novel crystalline form of silicon with a hexagonal structure that could potentially be used to create next-generation...
Scientists investigate mining-related deforestation in the Amazon

Scientists investigate mining-related deforestation in the Amazon

If you're wearing gold jewelry right now, there's a good chance it came from an illegal mining operation in the tropics and surfaced only after some rainforest was sacrificed, according to a team of...
Study: Nanoscale sensors measure elusive water levels in leaves

Study: Nanoscale sensors measure elusive water levels in leaves

Water regulation in leaves is vital to a plant's health, affecting its growth and yield, disease susceptibility and drought resistance. A breakthrough technology developed by Cornell University researchers uses nanoscale sensors and fiber optics to...
Study: Can We Escape the Vortex of Polarization?

Study: Can We Escape the Vortex of Polarization?

For more than 25 years, Columbia University social psychologist Peter T. Coleman has studied what creates conflict—and what brings peace—around the world. In his new book, The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization,...
Study: Ozone-depleting chemicals may spend less time in the atmosphere than previously thought

Study: Ozone-depleting chemicals may spend less time in the atmosphere than previously thought

MIT scientists have found that ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, stay in the atmosphere for a shorter amount of time than previously estimated. Their study suggests that CFCs, which were globally phased out in 2010,...
Research: A bird rare to the UK ruffles feathers at the University of York

Research: A bird rare to the UK ruffles feathers at the University of York

The Savi’s Warbler was found during a bird monitoring session on campus. The team were first alerted by its distinctive, almost cricket-like song. The academic leading the session - where birds are ringed...
Research: How moths find their flame - genetics of mate attraction discovered

Research: How moths find their flame – genetics of mate attraction discovered

The mysteries of sexual attraction just became a little less mysterious - at least for moths. A team of six American and European research groups including Tufts University has discovered which gene expressed in...
Researchers find molecular patterns that may help identify extraterrestrial life

Researchers find molecular patterns that may help identify extraterrestrial life

Scientists have begun the search for extraterrestrial life in the Solar System in earnest, but such life may be subtly or profoundly different from Earth-life, and methods based on detecting particular molecules as biosignatures...
Study: Low temperature physics gives insight into turbulence

Study: Low temperature physics gives insight into turbulence

A novel technique for studying vortices in quantum fluids has been developed by Lancaster physicists. Andrew Guthrie, Sergey Kafanov, Theo Noble, Yuri Pashkin, George Pickett and Viktor Tsepelin, in collaboration with scientists from Moscow State...
Study: New amphibious centipede species discovered in Okinawa and Taiwan

Study: New amphibious centipede species discovered in Okinawa and Taiwan

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University and Hosei University have discovered a new species of large, tropical centipede of genus Scolopendra in Okinawa and Taiwan. It is only the third amphibious centipede identified in the...

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